9 Reasons you should NOT join WeLearn

img_34691) We create, enhance and lead

As the first and only experiential learning organisation in HK, refinements, enhancements and upgrades are the only constant in WeLearn. We keep creating new elements to further enrich everyone’s experience. We keep enhancing so that we are always steps ahead. If following others is your practice at work, we do not offer such a position.

2) Diversity is an asset in WeLearn

WeLearn staff has composed of people of 10 nationalities from 8 faculties in HKU. Not everyone likes to work in a multicultural team. Not everyone likes working with people from other faculties. Not everyone enjoys being exposed to different cultures and get to know more about what happens elsewhere in the world.

3) Professionalism is a basic requirement

We never mention professionalism because we have assumed it. WeLearn strives to create extraordinary social values and influences. These can only be done by having strong commitment, professional work ethics and high level mindsets. If you are looking for places where you can dress up and take some fancy photos, we are probably not the best choice for you.

img_20104 ) People are our top priority

The experiences of the staff are crucial to us and ‘Students Empower Students’ is a two-way thing! We guarantee that our staff are taken good care of and can be empowered in the way they want. If you can’t answer ‘What do you wanna achieve through WeLearn in terms of personal development?’ DON’T open our application form.

5) Hands-on experiences to directly deal with challenges

Starting from the first day, you will be tackling different sorts of real-life problems with the team. Realizing ideas through implementing plans rather than delivering a talk like a so-called ‘consultant’. Growing and developing through babbling all the way is not how things get done here.


6) Every moment is the time to learn and grow

You will very likely encounter things that you are not familiar with. You are highly encouraged to be bold and creative to solve problems under a fast-changing external environment. Are resilience, creativity and flexibility present in your dictionary? Otherwise, WeLearn is not the place for you.

img_20160924_1520487) Quality is the language we speak

Getting things done is simply not enough, we need to get things done with excellence. Our training system is designed by visiting and top-rated practitioners. Many of our operations are also advised by experts in the related fields. Semesters will never be launched till everything is up to our own standard. Aren’t speaking our language? No worries, we are certain that many other projects may speak yours.

8) Inspire others and get inspired by others

With a team of amazingly intelligent people from different backgrounds and various disciplines, you will certainly have something that you excel at and meet someone that can do something better than you. Learning from peers is a culture here. If you are not open-minded enough for that, then you can stop proceeding to the application.

9) Heaps of fun and bonding with the team and the students

We don’t just work but we also have a close bonding that is beyond work. We chat, we support and we laugh! If work, work, work is the only thing you expect from here, perhaps we don’t share the shared belief here.